On June 5, on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF-2024), three memoranda of understanding were signed between the State Corporation Rosatom and the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Quarries of Burkina Faso. 

The documents were signed by Director General of Rosatom, Alexey Likhachev, and the Minister of Energy, Mines, and Quarries of Burkina Faso, Yaсouba Zabré Gouba

The memoranda cover training and education in the field of nuclear energy, assessment and development of nuclear infrastructure, and promoting positive public opinion about nuclear energy. The documents set out the framework for cooperation in these areas to support the development of a national programme for the peaceful use of nuclear energy. 

The memoranda specify concrete steps to build human resources for Burkina Faso’s nuclear sector. Efforts will include cooperation between educational institutions, joint short-term educational programmes, teacher training, development of educational and scientific literature, and student exchanges. 

The parties also intend to determine the current needs for the development of Burkina Faso’s nuclear infrastructure. This work will follow IAEA recommendations and Rosatom’s best practices. 

The cooperation document on positive public opinion includes activities aimed at raising public awareness of the benefits of nuclear technology and non-energy applications of nuclear energy (particularly in medicine and agriculture). 

Cooperation between Rosatom and Burkina Faso began in October 2023, when a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear energy was signed on the sidelines of the VI Russian Energy Week Forum. In March 2024, a roadmap for the development of Russian-Burkinabe cooperation was signed on the sidelines of the ATOMEXPO-2024 forum. Following the establishment of an international legal framework for cooperation, the parties intend to explore the implementation of nuclear generation projects and non-energy applications of radiation technologies in agriculture and medicine in Burkina Faso. 

The State Corporation Rosatom offers foreign customers a comprehensive solution that provides access to the entire range of products and services throughout the life cycle of a nuclear power plant. This includes construction of nuclear power plants using Russian technology, developing nuclear infrastructure; forming relevant legislative framework; training national personnel; involving local industry; supplying fuel, maintaining and assisting in operating the plant; handling spent nuclear fuel (SNF); and ensuring public acceptance of nuclear energy. 

The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) is one of the most important events in the CIS economic space. The theme for SPIEF-2024 is “The Foundation of Multipolarity – Creating New Growth Centers.” Forum participants discuss healthcare and pharmaceutical development, the modern labor market, new technologies, the Arctic and the Northern Sea Route development, and more. Rosatom is the title partner of the 2024 forum.